Here's how to show potential employers your value when you work for yourself

Whether you're a business owner or freelancer, sharing that you're self-employed on your CV can be challenging. Most CV layouts are structured for professionals in full-time employment. However, you can tweak the format and make it work for your needs. In the following guide, we take a look at how you can perfect this process. 

Why do you need a self-employed CV?

When you work for yourself, it's highly likely that you won't need to apply for jobs – at least that's usually the case. So why would you need a CV? Well, here are some instances when a self-employed individual may just find this document handy: 

  • Applying for gigs and projects. When you're self-employed, there are many ways to look for new clients and projects. One option is to apply online. In some cases, these job adverts will require you to send over an updated CV and cover letter. 
  • Switching careers. Career paths are rarely linear. It may be the case that you were self-employed before but are now looking for full-time permanent work. To help you land your next job, you'll need to prepare your application documents and share that you've been self-employed on your CV. 

In either scenario, getting the basics of CV writing down is a must, as this short document helps showcase your self-employment skills and experience in a clear and engaging way. 

So how do you create a self-employed CV that works?

Step 1: choose the right structure for your self-employed CV

The layout of your CV is critical. If your employment history isn't documented in a clear and consistent format, the hiring manager may end up confused and shift their focus to the next candidate. To avoid this issue, consider the following layout options:

Option 1: list freelance gigs with your other roles

If you've swapped your nine-to-five for a full-time freelancing gig, it might be best to weave your self-employment into your Employment History section, like a freelance CV

This means that your self-employment experience will sit in your timeline of past positions. You can either list individual projects as positions here or create a single position for your self-employment “job.”

Make sure that you're 100% clear about these positions being freelance and not fully-employed roles within companies. You don't want to look as though you're trying to lie on your CV by misleading the reader.. 

Option 2: create an entirely new section 

Alternatively, if your freelance work is a side gig, you might like to introduce a new section outside of your career highlights. This new section can summarise the nature of your work and the projects you've undertaken on a self-employed basis.

You may choose to call this section “Freelance Work,” “Self-Employed Projects,” “Self-Employed Jobs,” or something similar. Remember, you want to be as clear as you can about what this work is. When the hiring manager glances at your CV, they should be able to instantly see which of your work were self-employed and which were not. 

Option 3: use a skills-based format 

The traditional CV format follows the reverse-chronological layout. This is the CV structure that you've probably learned to create back when you were in school or college. It includes a professional profile and skills matrix plus your Employment History section. Most people who have been in full-time work will use this type of format as it's preferred by many hiring managers. 

However, this CV format is by no means the only option. When it comes to sharing that you're self-employed on a CV, there are other ways to go. Using a functional – or skills-based – CV format could be the answer. This approach emphasises your talents and skills over your work experience. Since you've previously worked for yourself, you'll have a wide range of competencies to showcase on your CV. 

Read more about the different types of CV formats in our complete guide.

Step 2: include a job title in your CV header

Whichever CV structure you choose to use, you'll need to create a CV header. This section of the document includes your basic contact details, plus your name and job title. When it comes to the latter, make sure to get it just right. 

It's perfectly fine if you want to give yourself the title of "Self-Employed" or "Freelancer." However, we'd advise using your creative job title more to your advantage; you have the power to craft a title that's descriptive and immediately tells a prospective employer exactly what you do. Don't waste that opportunity. 

Ensure that your job title reflects the nature of your work. Try combining any of the terms "freelancer," "consultant," or "contractor" with an adjective that summarises your industry, role, or niche. For example: "Freelance Writer and Editor" or "SEO Consultant." 

Bonus: include a company name (if appropriate)

If you're a full-time freelancer, you may have set up a limited company. If this is the case, include your company's name on your CV. If the business name is just your name, you may want to use some descriptive language to let potential employers get a feel of the industry you work in and your work experience.

Should you use this approach, keep your formatting consistent with the other work listed on your CV. That way, the whole thing looks purposeful, seamless, and polished.

Step 3: share details of your self-employment

Like any other role on your CV, it's worth outlining the nature of your self-employment or side gig. 

Below your job title, company, and dates of employment, add a couple of lines that summarise what you do, the types of clients you have, or the industries you work across, for example.

Don't feel like you have to go overboard with detail here though. Ultimately, you need to give the recruiter a sense of what you're all about and, if possible, reference anything that's in line with the job you're applying for. For example, if the job you want is within the healthcare sector and one of your clients sat within this niche, you should take the opportunity to highlight this on your CV.

Step 4: name-drop impressive clients and projects

Now that you know how to share that you're self-employed on your CV, let's talk about which clients to include. Be selective with the clients and projects listed on your CV, and make your choices based on the position you're applying for. 

For example, you may want to name clients who share the same industry as your target employer. In addition to the projects that relate to your potential new role, you may also like to name-drop any big, impressive clients.

When adding details about projects, use punchy, concise bullet points to highlight your marketable skills (including both hard and soft skills) and achievements. You can add these bullet points either underneath each client or project or perhaps underneath your outline, as referenced above. 

Step 5: link to your portfolio or work

As a general rule, your CV should be around two pages in length. If you've worked on lots of small projects or have been self-employed for a long time, it can be tricky to fit your experience on your CV without compromising on quality.

Don't be afraid to link out to certain projects or even your portfolio at the top, right next to your name and contact details in your CV. As CVs are sent digitally these days, it's easy to give recruiters or potential clients access to your work saved in the cloud. Make the most of the opportunity to direct prospective employers to these live examples of your work.

Showcase your self-employment skills 

The pros and cons of self-employment will differ from person to person. However, most self-employed individuals would agree that they enjoy the independence and flexibility that come with their work, along with the initiative, adaptability, and time management skills that they get to develop along the way. It comes as no surprise then that the UK has over 7 million freelancers, and this figure is expected to rise over the coming years 

Rest assured that your self-employment and side gigs are legitimate experiences worth shouting about. When sharing to potential clients or employers that you are self-employed on your CV, keep our pointers in mind and let your unique skills and experiences shine.

Have you effectively included your self-employment on your CV? Submit your CV for a free review now and let our CV experts tell you how you fared. 

This article was originally written by Laura Slingo and has been updated by Charlotte Grainger.

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