TopCV shares 5 out-of-office email templates to help you jazz up your OOO email messages.

Writing an out-of-office (OOO) email is normally the final task before hitting the laptop shut and signing off for a long-awaited break. Often in a hurried job, many of us will stick to the usual format–a few formal lines that tell the receiver who they can get in touch with while we're away. 

But could the OOO email be more than a functional signpost? Could it additionally be an opportunity to showcase more of our personality, and to clearly convey our intentions (and boundaries) while we spend time away from the office? 

We recently carried out research that suggested we're heading this way, with teams embracing more personable communications across the board. For example, when TopCV asked 1,000 UK career-driven professionals how comfortable they are using emojis in professional communication, 45% said they were either 'comfortable' or 'very comfortable.' 

Ready to inject more of your personality into your OOO? To get you started, our resident careers expert Amanda Augustine has provided a series of light-hearted templates to tease out your more playful side and become bolder in your holiday sign-off! 

Ranging from professional to sarcastic, each of our email examples is matched to one of the following levels, in ascending order of sassiness:Email responder scale

Out-of-Office Email Message Examples

1. Traditional Professional

Subject: Out of office [start date] to [end date]: [Your name]

Thank you for your email. I am currently on annual leave from [start date] to [end date], and I will not have access to my emails during this time.

For urgent matters, please contact [alternative contact name and email]. Otherwise, I will respond to your message as soon as possible upon my return.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

[Your name]

2. Friendly and Approachable

Subject: Off chasing sunshine [start date] to [end date]: [Your name]


Thank you for your message. I'm currently on holiday, enjoying some sunshine and relaxation, and will be away from the office from [start date] to [end date].

I will have limited access to emails, but if your matter is urgent, please reach out to [alternative contact name] at [alternative contact email].

I look forward to catching up with you when I'm back!

Warm regards,

[Your name]

3. Casual and Informal

Subject: Out of office & off to make some memories

Hi there,

I'm out of the office on a much-needed summer holiday from [start date] to [end date]. I'll be back, refreshed and recharged, after that.

If you need immediate assistance, please get in touch with [alternative contact name] at [alternative contact email]. Otherwise, I'll get back to you as soon as I'm back in the swing of things.


[Your name]

4. Playful and Sassy

Subject: Guess who's on holiday? (Hint: it's me) 

Guess what? I'm on holiday! 🌞 From [start date] to [end date], I'll be living my best life, away from emails and spreadsheets.

If it's urgent, don't fret–[alternative contact name] is here to save the day. You can reach them at [alternative contact email].

Otherwise, I'll get back to you when I return–probably with a tan and a new outlook on life!

Catch you later,

[Your name]

5. Sassy 2.0 (Deploy at Your Own Risk)

Subject: The workload finally broke me 

Hi there,

Congrats! You've reached my inbox at a time when I've finally decided to take a break from the never-ending demands of work. From [start date] to [end date], I will be on holiday, far away from emails, deadlines and meetings that could've been emails.

If your email is about something that could have been sorted weeks ago, please ask yourself why you're only addressing it now. If it's truly urgent (like, 'the-building's-on-fire' urgent), you can try your luck with [alternative contact name] at [alternative contact email].

For everything else, I'll get back to you when I'm back–hopefully before the next crisis arises.

May the odds be ever in your favour,

[Your name]

How to craft the right out-of-office email message

When crafting an out-of-office email response, it's important to strike the right tone that suits both your personality and the culture of your workplace. Before you write your next out-of-office (OOO) email message, Augustine has a few words of advice:

  • Consider your industry's standard: 'If you work in a more traditional or conservative industry such as finance, law, or healthcare, it's best to err on the side of caution and keep your out-of-office message professional and straightforward. However, in more casual or creative industries like marketing, tech, or media, there's often more freedom to inject humour or personality'.

  • Make sure your message is 'on brand': 'Your out-of-office message is yet another way to express your personality in the professional world. If your personal brand is known for being approachable and friendly, your message can reflect that. On the other hand, if you are known for being a more formal, no-nonsense professional, then you should keep your message simple and to the point'.

  • Take the company culture into account: 'If you prefer an informal communication style that borders on sarcastic but you don't want to cross a line that might damage your reputation at work, consider your company's culture, HR guidelines, or brand guidelines employees are asked to adhere to, before publishing something controversial'. 

  • Keep your message short and sweet: 'Regardless of the tone you choose, keep your overall message clear and concise. Long out-of-office responders can be frustrating for recipients who are simply looking for quick information. Include the essential details such as your return date, whether you'll be checking emails during your holiday, and an alternative contact for urgent matters'.

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