Don't worry ‒ we cut down your CV for a reason
So we've shortened your CV to two pages. You may be panicking that we've cut too many details out and that your application won't be as strong.
Don't fret. The extraction of details wasn't as brutal as you may think. Our CV experts haven't slashed your CV. Instead, they've carefully reviewed it and pruned it where appropriate.
Here are just a few reasons why we've shortened your CV to two pages. Spoiler alert: we've cut it to make your CV more impactful and increase your chances of landing your dream job.
Two pages is the standard length
Imagine you're a HR manager and you've just received a 37-page CV. How on earth would you tackle that? And if you were the candidate who submitted the novella, what type of information would you include?
Hard to process, right? But believe it or not, many recruiters have witnessed a similar situation at some point.
While this example is a record-breaking one-off, it teaches us a valuable lesson: prospective employers aren't looking to read your autobiography ‒ they're looking to learn why you're a fit for the role.
On average, two pages is the perfect CV length. It's true that one size doesn't fit all, as best practice varies based on the level of your experience. If you're just leaving education, for instance, one page is enough. But if you're a seasoned professional, two pages should be just right.
Sometimes, experience may spill over to fill three pages, although this is usually only for those who are director level or for freelancers and contractors who need space to discuss their range of projects.
Prospective employers are time poor
Now imagine you're a HR manager who's received 20 CVs that are all five pages in length, but you only have 30 minutes to review them. That's a tall order and, believe it or not, it's not uncommon.
It's a well-known fact that employers spend an average of six seconds reviewing a CV before deciding whether the candidate makes the cut. That means you only have six seconds to create a positive impression and move your candidacy forward.
The easiest way to achieve this? Reduce your CV to the standard length of two pages. Recruiters expect this length and rarely have time to review more than the norm, so you will have placed yourself in good stead and shown them everything they need to see.
Details over 10 years old are unnecessary
The most common cut we make to CVs is shortening or deleting employment history that's over a decade old. That's because employers only want to see the skills you've acquired and developed most recently; now is most likely the peak of your career, so why would you draw attention to lower-level skills from way back when?
If you're still wary, let this tidbit reassure you: your CV doesn't need to cover your entire career history and employers, HR managers, and recruiters know this. If jobs from over 10 years ago don't appear on your CV, they won't assume you were unemployed. Instead, they'll think you're a savvy job hunter who's smart for zooming in on the details most relevant to the role.
We've highlighted your best bits
The chances are that if your CV was over two pages long, the irrelevant waffle was clouding the gems in your work history. While we had your CV, we mined away, sifted through the details and extracted the most pertinent points that are relevant to the role you're applying for.
You can be sure that what's left on your two-page CV is a strong career narrative, your best skills and proof of your qualifications.Now that you have an eye-catching CV, why not get your LinkedIn profile shipshape too?
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