Looking to land a new job? Learn how to answer these key questions first!

There's a certain finesse to acing an interview. While your CV may be excellent, knowing about the main recruitment interview questions and answers is vital. Getting to grips with the most common ones will allow you to practise ahead of time and perfect your interview style. You don't want to stumble and mumble your way through. Luckily, we've got you covered. In this guide, we'll look at how to respond to popular recruiter questions. 

1. Can you tell me about yourself?

One of the most predictable questions recruiters ask is “Tell me about yourself.” Take a deep breath and don't panic. What does a recruiter want to hear in response? This isn't the moment to launch into a monologue about your hobbies, family, and pets. Give them your elevator pitch. Touch upon your experiences, unique selling point (USP), any key accomplishments… and why you're the perfect fit for the role.

Example answer: 

“I'm currently a sales executive, managing more than 20 client accounts. I previously worked with a national retailer, in a role that involved travelling to client sites and managing initial leads. I've successfully retained 100% of my client accounts. I'm currently looking to develop my career with a larger, international business, such as this one.”

Expert tip: Focus on how you can add value to the business.

2. Why do you want this job?

You took the time to apply and turn up to the interview, but why are you bothering? Showcase your existing knowledge about the company and then touch upon a couple of key reasons you fit the role requirements and company culture

Example answer:

“I've been following your journey on social media and I've always been struck by the honest communication style of the brand. As a social media manager, I want to work with companies that value their customer base as you clearly do. Since I already have experience working across platforms and building strong followings, I believe I can take the foundations you have built to new levels.”

3. What are your greatest strengths?

It's time to toot your own horn. When it comes to common recruiter interview questions and answers, this is an area where you definitely need to be prepared. The hiring manager will want to know what it is that you bring to the table. Consider what makes you unique.

Example answer: 

“One of my greatest strengths is clear communication. As a sales manager, I'm often the middle person between the company and our clients. I'm well attuned to understanding clients' needs and recommending services that suit them. In addition, my interpersonal skills allow me to create a rapport with new clients and get them on board.”

Expert tip: If you're asked this question, you can expect “What are your greatest weaknesses?” to follow!

4. When have you failed and how did you cope?

Ready for a curveball? Here's perhaps one of the most intimidating questions. When the hiring manager asks you about your failings, it might get your back up. However, keep in mind that they're trying to figure out how you handle problems and unexpected situations. Spin your answer to make yourself the hero of the story. 

Example answer: 

“As a teacher, I have failed if a student slips through the cracks. One example came up during the exam period, when I noticed a student was disengaged with their revision. This particular student had so much potential, so I pulled them aside and gave them a warning. However, I later found out that the student was having problems at home and needed extra support. Upon learning this, I worked with them to guide them through the issue. It taught me not to take challenges at surface level.”

Expert tip: Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method for structuring your answers to similar behavioural job interview questions.

5. What's your ideal next role?

Hiring managers want to see that you have a clear vision of your future. What is it that you want or expect from this role? Highlight your knowledge of the position, but also add in some details about where you see it leading you. It's all about showing ambition here. 

Example answer: 

“I'm looking for a role where I can grow and expand my skill-set. I'm drawn to this account manager position as it will allow me to work with an array of international clients and across departments. I'm also interested in your career development scheme, as I would love to work my way up to a leadership position in the coming years.”

6. Why are you leaving your current role?

You need to keep things positive when this question pops up. While you may be tempted to dish the dirt on your former employer, doing so is a real mistake. The hiring manager wants to see that you're loyal, but also that you want to drive your career forward now. 

Example answer: 

“I've worked for Smith and Co. for more than eight years and, in that time, I've gained responsibilities and promotions. I've learned so much about the world of finance. However, I don't believe I can continue to develop there as there are no more progression opportunities, so I'm looking for a role in a larger company.”

7. What are your salary expectations?

With only one third of Brits thinking it's appropriate to talk about salary with friends, it's clearly not a topic most of us feel comfortable with. However, when a recruiter asks you about salary expectations, you need to have prepared an answer. Take a look at average salaries online, considering job title, seniority, and location, among other things. Then give a range that falls within the parameters of your research, that you'd be happy accepting. 

Example answer: 

“I'm looking at between £22,000 and £25,000 for this role, in line with the national average for SEO writers. I'd be interested to learn what your budget is for this position.”

8. How do you prioritise your work?

The modern working world is fast-paced, so recruiters want to see that you can keep up. A popular recruitment interview question is about how you prioritise your work. When answering, you should walk the hiring manager through the processes and systems that you use. Don't be afraid to call out specific systems – doing so shows that you are familiar with technology

Example answer: 

“My current company uses Asana to manage our workflow, which I have found to be hugely helpful. We tag priority work and set deadlines using the system so we're always on schedule. But – as we all know – unexpected tasks do crop up. For that reason, I allocate 30 minutes each day to ad-hoc work, allowing me to get important jobs done first.”

9. Do you prefer working in groups or alone?

When the interviewer asks you this one, they are trying to figure out whether you're a team player. However, you also need to show that you're capable of independent work. Frankly, it's a difficult tightrope to walk. 

Example answer: 

“Within my current role, I work with a team of five and we take a multi-pronged approach. While the majority of my work is solo, I have to continually communicate with my team members via Slack and face-to-face. I love collaborating with them and sharing ideas on a daily basis. However, I prioritise quiet time when I can to work on my projects.”

10. How would your current boss describe you?

While you may want to paint an elaborate picture of yourself as an ideal employee, you have to be realistic. The hiring manager wants to hear an honest account of you as a professional. Draw upon things that your boss has said to you in appraisals or performance reviews.

Example answer: 

“During my most recent appraisal, my manager said that I was an excellent problem solver. She actually highlighted an instance where I'd had technical issues in the morning and – while waiting for the IT team – had reorganised my hard filing system. She praised me for this and said that I was a productive member of the team.” 

11. What motivates you?

Motivation equals productivity. When an interviewer asks you this question, they want you to show that you are passionate and dedicated to the position. Talk about why you're excited to join their company and the aspects of it that will motivate you to work hard. 

Example answer: 

“Learning new things is a major driving force for me. In my previous role, I took advantage of an in-house training scheme to learn new IT skills. I am attracted to the role at Harper Inc. as it will allow me to expand my existing skill set and to work with bigger clients than before. I don't want to sit still in a role – I have to keep moving and growing!”

12. Where do you see yourself in five years?

Next up, we've got one of the classic recruiter interview questions and answers. Chances are, if you've ever attended an interview, you've come across this one. Now's the time to show the interviewer that you have ambitions and can see yourself going far. Don't be shy. Share your career aspirations. 

Example answer: 

“I would like to hold a leadership position. Since starting my career, I've gained new responsibilities at every turn and now manage two staff members. I believe I have what it takes to inspire people and would relish the chance to move up the career ladder and into a senior leadership role.”

13. What do you think our company could do better?

As it's probably not top-of-mind in your personal list of recruitment interview questions and answers, this one may stump you. The interviewer wants to know that you've researched the company and can spot any gaps that need filling. Avoid insulting the hiring manager by tearing the business apart. Instead, pick out some minor changes that you can easily implement if you're hired. 

Example answer: 

“The company already has a robust social media following on Instagram. But – since these platforms change so rapidly – I think you could make a bigger impact by using TikTok as well. In my previous role, I was in charge of the TikTok account and gained 50,000 followers. I would welcome the opportunity to do the same within this new role.”

14. Do you consider yourself successful?

You might not feel comfortable bragging about yourself, but that's what this question demands. When an interviewer throws it your way, make sure you say yes. You should then elaborate on why you are successful and give examples. You may also include a nod to how you can expand upon your successes in the years to come. 

Example answer: 

“Yes! Having headed up more than 30 successful campaigns, I am pleased with how my career has progressed so far. While I know I still have a lot to learn, I'm proud of how far I've come. One of my biggest achievements was managing a campaign for Bill's Bikes that increased their sales by 60%. In the future, I hope to work with your team to continue delivering strong results.”

15. Do you have any questions?

What do you say when a recruiter asks if you have any questions? There's only one wrong answer here and that's “no.” Recruiters want you to show an interest in the role. You can do this by asking about the position, your duties, and the team. 

Example questions: 

What is your favourite part of working at this company?

How does the team collaborate?

Do you allow remote or hybrid work?

Recruitment interview questions & answers: final thoughts 

Before you go to an interview, you absolutely must prepare. Going over some of the main questions recruiters ask will give you a fighting chance. While you don't want to over-rehearse these answers, having an idea of what you want to say is key. That way, you won't be wrong footed by any of the questions that come your way.

Ready to land your next interview? The first step is creating a CV that wows hiring managers. Set yourself apart by investing in an expertly written and keyword-optimised CV

This article was originally written by Charlotte Grainger and has been updated by Jen David. 

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